Returning old equipment

Produkte im Fokus

Für die schnelle und preiswerte Überwachung der Gesamthärte mit einem Messwert pro Tropfen: 1,0 / 0,5 °dH im Blister.  


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Repair no longer makes sense?

This page informs you about the procedure in the European Union regarding the EU Directives 2002/96/EC and 2008/12/EC on the environmentally sound disposal of an electrical appliance containing a battery. The analyser is intended as professional electrical equipment for commercial use (B2B). The directives have been transposed into national law in the member states and may differ locally in some respects. In case of doubt, please contact your local waste management company before disposing of the equipment.

Disposal of the battery

The analysers with display contain a battery type CR2032 to store the date, time and status parameters. When replacing the battery, disposal via municipal waste is prohibited. Furthermore, the battery must also be removed before the device is handed in for recycling. Empty batteries can be handed in at public collection points. Alternatively, the battery can be handed in wherever a battery of the same type can be purchased.

Disposal of decommissioned analytical equipment

The manufacturer's obligation to dispose of commercially used equipment applies to equipment placed on the market after 13.08.2005. Electrical equipment marked with this symbol must not be disposed of in municipal waste. Give the appliance to disposal and collection systems for electrical appliances for recycling. Alternatively, you can return decommissioned analysers to us or your dealer for disposal. Dispose of the device and battery separately. For data protection reasons, remove or delete the SD card from the device before disposal.

Procedure when sending decommissioned analysers to us for disposal

1.    Notify us before sending your decommissioned analysers
-    by a short phone call to +49 (0)5121/28126-24
-    by an informal e-mail (including the serial number) to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

2.     Wait for a reply
-  In case of warranty claims, you will receive a free return label

3.     Clean the instrument before packing
-  For the safety of transport service personnel and our staff, we ask that you roughly clear tubes, pumps and measuring chambers of reagents
-   Pack these affected components, if possible, in tear-proof, liquid-tight bags

4.     If possible, use the original packaging
-  If the original packaging is no longer available, please ensure that it is adequately cushioned

5.     Mark your shipment with the inscription ZUR ENTSORGUNG

6.    Send the package to the following address:
RLS Wacon analytics GmbH  
- Entsorgungsservice
Gropiusstr. 12
D-31137 Hildesheim

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